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Sunday, May 27, 2012

What Would Have Happened?

As I was driving one day near a busy local street-market, crowded with merchants and their tables full of merchandise, buyers crossing in every direction, groups of children riding their bicycles, and cars trying to squeeze themselves through the narrowed and crowded street; suddenly came some reckless teenagers in their car blasting their way through that market! They were going at least 80 km/h; which might not seem that much compared to what we witness on our streets everyday, but imagine that kind of speed in that busy marketplace! They appeared so suddenly in front of me as they were entering the market area. And they almost caused an accident with me!

I honked my car's horn out of startlement and anger. And I got my reply from those teenagers in the form of a middle-finger gesture and the screeching sound of their tires as they drove away. I went in my way. One turn later, I was surprised by the same teenagers driving behind my car, then overtaking me and harassing me by pretending to want to hit my car with theirs!

They ended up stopping their car in front of mine. By that point, I was furious. They were the reckless ones! And as it turned out, they had the audacity to turn around the block only to come after me! Then they used their car as a weapon and threatened me! And they finally stopped in front of me challenging me to respond!

Well, I responded!

I unbuckled myself, stepped out of my car in anger, and looked straight at those stupid teenagers who were still in their car looking at me through their rear-view mirror, and then I used my entire strength and the full capacity of my lungs to shout as loud I can in sheer anger "WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?!" and without waiting for a reply I continued "COME HERE AND SHOW ME WHAT YOU'VE GOT!". I even amazed myself at the intensity of that shout. I never thought that I could shout that loud! Everyone in that street was looking at me. And the children stopped their bikes and were anticipating a fight. Of course, all what I've got from those brats was the same hand gesture and the screeching sound of their tires as they've escaped the scene again. Still furious, I stepped back into my car and went in my way...

The reason I'm writing about this incident is that it made me wonder: Was the situation really worth my anger? What would have happened if those teenagers reacted differently to my shouts? Was I really able to stand up to them? What would have happened if they were carrying knives or even guns?! Was it worth my time and energy (and maybe my life) to react to those boys?

I couldn't help but wonder...

How would've you reacted to the same situation?

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