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Monday, October 29, 2012

Mental Block!

It has been a while since I've tried to write anything..

I can't believe how difficult it is to write! I thought that by creating a blog, I would be motivated to write every single day about every single thing that comes to my mind. Especially that I'm not trying to be a poet or a novelist; I just want to write what I think and reflect about. To me, it sounded like common sense that having a blog (or two) would automatically make it easier for me to write and share. But in reality, I feel like it made it even harder! Now that my writings are not just for me anymore but rather for anyone out there to read; the pressure to put my thoughts into words is much higher. But that is not the main reason I find it difficult to write. Lately, I have been feeling like I am having a continuous mental block.

I can't read, write, or enjoy any of my favorite hobbies -- including drawing. I can't think of anything new or creative. It's like seeing my own brain being locked up behind a giant lock for which I have no key! And this makes me irritated, anxious, frustrated, and angry!!

It's against my nature! That's what makes it so annoying. I can't stand being so unproductive. In my mind, I should always be drawing something, designing, reading, writing, working on a project, presenting to an audience or doing whatever comes to my mind. Some people might disagree with me, but even playing games should be part of that list. I believe that it requires some level of creative thinking, skill, and coordination to be able to play. For me, that was how it used to be; I used to do all of the above. But not anymore!

When it comes to writing and drawing, I haven't come up with anything new in a while. I can't think of anything. And when I do have a spark of an idea, I can't build upon it or elaborate on it. My mind simply goes "blank"! Even when I have something that is ready to share; I think a thousand times before hitting the "share" button. And most of the time, I decide not to share! My hesitation is much worse than it was. The problem is: I don't know why!

It's ironic that I'm trying to think about not being able to think, and writing about not being able to write! I guess I just have to start somewhere. But what can I say? What should I do?

I have no clue!